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"They may not look all that great now, but next year they'll be beautiful."

Have you ever been to Wilson Nurseries in Frankfort? If you haven't, you can always read this post later, haha.

Seriously, you should go now. I'll be here.

They have beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces (masks required), a butterfly garden (there is a small entry fee), plants EVERYWHERE (did you know that grapefruit can grow in KY?!), and there is even a cafe (which I haven't been to but everyone I know who has says it's really good).

So it's clearly one of my happy places. I was just there this weekend, and they're currently having a sidewalk sale which means that they've got a bunch of perennials selling at much lower prices than they would at the height of gardening season.

Now, these plants are not really looking so hot. A lot of them look tired and lackluster, some are out of control, and few are camera-ready. Can anyone identify with these plants?

I sure can.

BUT. With a little patience and care, some time to re-root and re-group, and attention to food and water, these babies can shine come 2021. I picked out my plants, brought them up to the register, and the kind woman ringing us up remarked to us the sentence at the start of this post: "They may not look all that great now, but next year they'll be beautiful".

What can you do now for future you? What have you already done during this weird year that is going to benefit you later? Whether it's learning new technology, meal planning, organizing your pantry, or planting a bunch of hyssop, spirea, and coreopsis - take some time to think about how you've sown seeds in 2020 to make the future brighter. It's a mindset I think a lot of us can use right now. And later.