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Greg and I were craving a little forest bathing this past weekend, and the Bernheim Arboretum really hit the spot in a big way! Now, don't go thinking we went swimming in the lake over there (though it was certainly warm enough); instead we were practicing a little Shinrin-yoku - literally "forest bathing" but actually another term for practicing mindfulness while in nature.

There's a growing body of evidence that this practice can help support immunity, boost mood and reduce stress. Studies have compared walking in a city vs. walking in a forest and found that the quieter and greener walks can lead to a clinically significant reduction in systolic blood pressure in about 4 hours - even if the same amount of physical activity is exerted.

But you don't have to tromp through a forest to get stress-relieving benefits. Find a park, tree-lined walk, or maybe even just your yard if you have one - any natural setting would work. Then turn off your phone and tune in to the moment while you bathe all of your senses in the beauty around you.

And if you can, check out the Forest Giants exhibit at Bernheim. IT'S AMAZING!