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It's Vanessa here today. I hope you all had a happy and healthy (even if it was a little different) Thanksgiving! Greg and I are just about done with our leftovers...except the cranberry pear crumble pie, yum. I really CANNOT BELIEVE we've reached the winter holiday season and that it'll be December when you read this. And the snow! Too perfect. What this weather means to me is that it's just about time to switch up my breakfasts a little. You see, I am generally perfectly happy eating the same thing for breakfast every day (and lunch, if I'm being honest). Usually my breakfast is yogurt, fruit, and a little granola. But in the winters I like to mix it up with a little oatmeal. I know, I'm really living on the edge over here: Look Out!

But I honestly really like oatmeal. And even though it really takes no time anyway to cook, especially if you do it in the microwave, I do like a timesaver. I could go for those instant oatmeal packets, but I feel like there's just more sugar in there than I want, plus the flavors don't really taste real to me. Enter: Homemade Instant Oatmeal Packets!

If you've been with us a while, then you might remember this fun DIY, but I think it's worth a re-visit. Not only is it a timesaver, but it's also a good family activity you can do with your kiddos. We got the recipe from the website Momables, but there are other versions out there. The recipe writer uses instant oats in her instructions, but I start with rolled oats ('cause that's what I keep around) and just stick them in the blender/food processor. What's really cool is that you can customize your flavors! Some ideas we like:

  • coconut/brown sugar

  • cranberry/almond

  • apple spice (use dried apples)

  • cherry ginger (use dried cherries)

  • chocolate beet (use mini chips and beet powder - you knew I'd throw a vegetable in there, right? :D)

We've got the recipe all typed up for you in our featured recipe in this week's email - so check it out and let us know how it goes!