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Hello! Vanessa here on the blog this week. Karen will be sharing her tips and strategies for making choices with your goals in mind while dining out during the weekly discussion, and I thought I ‘d share which ones resonate with me the most.

  1. First and foremost for me is probably checking out the menu. Not only do I want to make sure that the listed items are in line with my food preferences, but it really helps me make a decision that will support how I want to feel after the meal. Am I snuggling up on the couch afterward? I may choose something warm, comforting and a little heavier. Is dinner just the first stop of a night on the town? Then I will look for something to give me energy for the long haul. Am I going to eat gelato afterward? (This may or may not be a requirement when dining out in downtown Lexington, ahem.) I will definitely save room. This also leads into my second tip…
  2. Are there modifications that can be made as needed? I’m mainly vegetarian. So if I see something on the menu that maybe fits my preferences or *could* with minor adjustments, I will call the restaurant to make sure before I arrive. This saves time, is easier on the server and kitchen staff, and helps support an enjoyable experience.
  3. If I take home leftovers, I re-pack them in a container that will support refrigerator storage and reheating later. We’ve all gone home with those Styrofoam boxes, shoved them in the fridge, and then opened them up a day or two later to find that our previously yummy food is dried out and less appealing. If you are ordering with leftovers in mind, take the 30 seconds when you get home and re-pack them in a manner that keeps them delicious. Pack them in a glass or otherwise microwaveable container with a tight-fitting lid and put them where you will see them in the refrigerator. Be sure to heat up to the USDA-recommended 165 degrees for safest consumption. And enjoy!