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Hello! Vanessa here today. Most of us have spent the last 15 months or so re-drawing what our personal boundaries look like. Mostly physical, but others too! Speaking for myself, I've had to establish new work-life boundaries, news consumption parameters, and emotional equilibrium protocols in order to make through the pandemic. Maybe some of these might sound a bit familiar to you as well.

As we start to return to "normal" (whatever that means now), I think the time is ripe for a little re-evaluation of our current boundaries to make sure they are continuing to bring balance to our lives (yup, we are a full-service balancing operation: plates, lives, you name it!).

We might think of boundaries as a line in the sand, separating us from things, people, or ideas... and they are that to an extent. But boundaries can also be a line of connection. They can connect us to our limits - yes, but also our values, our feelings, and our hopes for the future. Increased knowledge of these aspects of ourselves can help us have more self-compassion and lead us to behavior changes that make sense for our individual needs and desires. So while the idea of setting boundaries might sound scary, it's really one of the most important steps toward achieving increased happiness and balance! I'm really looking forward to sharing this week's new lesson with you.