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It's Karen here, closing out 2021. Phew. We made it! Like many of you, this time of year reminds us to pause and reflect on where we have been, and where we are going. You may not know this, but EatWell is 18 years old (crazy, right?!?!). We never take this for granted. We wouldn't have this longevity without members like you, who choose to spend their precious time with us. And it is truly humbling when you do make that choice. We have evolved over the years, with thoughtful feedback from our members, but we have never lost sight of what we are here to do - serve our members in the most compassionate and expert way we know how. . By choosing to be an EatWell member, we know you put trust in us and we always strive to live up to that. But at the end of the day, you are the ones who do the hard work, make the difficult changes, and choose to show up. We are inspired by you. We'd like to share this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson to show our appreciation for you, our EatWell members.