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It may seem like you just got the school year routine now and BOOM! Summer is here. Whether that means kids are home or seasonal employment looks different, camps start, or it’s just too darn hot to cook this disruption may seem like a giant additional burden. Karen will help you brainstorm strategies this week to create new practices that can maintain at least a semblance of a plan to get through this.

The number one strategy, though, is recognizing that you can't control everything! But realizing what you CAN control is the real game-changer. It's an energy shift that can actually create more feelings of power and focus. 

I see this play out often in consults, where a client is trying to make changes in the way that they eat but doesn't feel like there is family buy-in. In this scenario, one strategy is to have the client identify how many meals they eat with family vs. how many meals they don't. During this conversation, it usually comes out that at least one and often two meals are eaten solo: often lunch and sometimes breakfast. This leads to an "aha" moment for the client: they can make changes in *those* meals!

Here the client is identifying what individual aspects they can control and taking charge to make change, which increases overall feelings that they've got this and this can create a positive feedback loop. Accordingly, they can begin to let go of what is not entirely in their control, which helps to decrease overall stress.

If you're reading this and nodding along in agreement, we're here to help. A practical change that you could try in the above situation would be to brainstorm easy lunches that work for YOU. We’ve got some ideas for you here. And of course, you can always make an appointment to chat with us via phone, Zoom, email or in person! It doesn’t even have to be about lunch. You get to choose.