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Karen here this week. I had an interesting food revelation during the July Fourth holiday weekend. Here's how it went. I was thinking about dinner on July Fourth and suggested to my husband that we order food to pick-up from a local restaurant. He instantly replied "It's July Fourth, we should grill something!" I thought "Sure, Why not? It will be cheaper and probably healthier." Later that evening, after enjoying our grilled burgers and salmon patties, I got the urge to bake a a berry-themed dessert. Trust me, this is not a frequent occurrence. Where did this come from?


All of my July Fourth memories as a kid include a dessert that always featured very prominently in our family celebrations. You probably know it. It's a 9x13 cake, covered with Cool Whip and decorated with blue and red berries to look like the American flag. And then I realized that, in my adult life, I have baked several berry desserts on July Fourth. I just never made the connection to my childhood memories. And then I understood my husband's desire to grill out - that is what he did on July Fourth growing up.

So what does all this mean? To me, it means that food holds a very special place in our family gatherings and celebrations. Food can be eaten and enjoyed in honor of memories and traditions, and that is nothing to feel guilty or shameful about. Did I worry about all the butter, sugar, and white flour that cobbler had when I made it and ate it? No, I didn't. Do I eat cobbler everyday? No, I don't. This is what intuitive eating is all about. I wanted cobbler, so I had some. No guilt. I know that honoring my health is not the same as scrutinizing the nutrient content of every morsel I put in my mouth. I trust that one snack, one meal, or one day of eating will not make or break my health. Some call it "gentle nutrition." I call being human and doing the best I can.

What are your thoughts? Do you have foods that are part of your celebrations and family traditions? How do you practice intuitive eating?

Oh, and the recipe for this week is that berry cobbler, so be sure to check it out!