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It's Karen here, wishing you a happy new year! And you know what the new year means...endless commercials and ads for weight loss programs, exercise equipment, "healthy" food, and whatever under the sun is supposed to create a "new you." It is a ritual in our society. And not a good one, if you ask me. Intellectually, we know this is a ridiculous scam. But the emotional part of our brain is still receptive to the dangerous messages that come along with it. For example:

  • You've sinned during the holidays and now it is time to repent with salad and time on the treadmill.

  • January is a magical time of year to make changes. You better not miss out!

  • You are inadequate. You need to create a "new you."

  • Everyone else is doing it.

No one is saying these things out loud, but they are subliminal messages that affect us. Even when we are actively trying to resist them, these messages can find their way into our psyche and plants seeds of doubt about our self-worth and self-image. The best antidote to this is to remind yourself of the truth. Here is an example of how to reframe the messages above into truth. Maybe your truth sounds different. This is just a place to start.

  • I enjoyed special food during holidays, just as I gave myself permission to do. Maybe I had a few too many cookies, but that's okay.

  • I can make changes any time I am ready to. Every day is a new day to practice self-care.

  • I am enough. I want to make progress, but I can be content with myself and improve myself at the same time.

  • I am on my own journey.