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August is shaping up to be a time of transitions. There are the usual transitions, such as K-12 students going back to school, and UK students returning to campus. But there are some new ones this time around. Many UK employees are transitioning from remote work to in-person work, and there are emerging uncertainties about the current state of the COVID pandemic. For many, changes like these are often accompanied by stress and anxiety (which is why we are talking about resilience this week!)

One of the resilience-building strategies we’ll talk about this week is the importance of action. In the face of adversity, many of us are tempted to simply shut down and avoid making decisions. But this sets us up to detach from the reality of the situation and take a bystander mentality. We stop being proactive and decisive. Things begin happening to us, instead of us making things happen.

If you find yourself caught in this cycle, it might help to consider a concept called “anchor habits.” Anchor habits are small, core routines that are ingrained within each day, such a brushing your teeth. By completing small daily habits, we are more likely to stick to other healthy habits throughout the day. That’s how anchor habits work. They are simple acts that bring you back to center when you start to drift away. They can help you persist and even thrive during challenging times.

With anchor habits, consistency is more important than quality or quantity. There’s flexibility, but the key is that you always do something. Here are some examples of daily anchor habits:

  • Drink a glass of water in the morning.

  • Meditate for five minutes.

  • Get some fresh air.

  • Stop using electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • Stretch for one minute.

  • Eat one serving of vegetables.

  • Connect with a friend or family member.

What ideas do you have? What small habits can anchor you during times of chaos?